In Year Admissions

For further information regarding admissions or for advice or assistance with any aspect of the application process, please contact
Dr Riley.

The in year admissions process applies to a child who is already secondary school age.

Applications for an in year admission should be made directly to the school.

Any students admitted as an in year admission will be given a start date for the beginning of the next half term/term as follows:

The process

Applications for an in year admission should be made directly to the school however applications made via Trafford admissions will also be processed. In year admission forms can be downloaded here or by contacting the school. The year group a student can be admitted to is usually based on their date of birth.

Places will be allocated in accordance with the admissions criteria.  The priority catchment area for Sale High School is all postcode areas within M33, WA14, WA15 and M32.

Where applications for admission exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied, in the order set out below.

1. ‘Looked after Children’ both currently and previously (as defined in the Education Act 2002 – Admissions).

2. Siblings: children who have brothers and sisters enrolled at this school at the time of admission (September 2019) and live within the priority catchment area.

Siblings are defined as half / step / adopted / foster brothers or sisters, and any other children who are living at the same address as part of the same family unit.

3. All other applicants living within the priority catchment area

4. Siblings: All other children who have brothers and sisters enrolled at this school at the time of admission (September 2019) who live outside the priority catchment area. 5. All other applicants outside the catchment area.

For each of the criteria listed above, if the demand for place exceeds the admission number, the rank order will be determined by the proximity of the child’s home to the school.

In Year Admissions Form

Admissions Criteria

For information on Academic year 2023-2024 please see the  Admissions Policy

Unsuccessful Applications

Unsuccessful applicants may ask to be placed on a waiting list and considered for any places that may arise in the future. These places will be awarded in accordance with the criteria listed above irrespective of how long someone may have been on the waiting list. There is a separate waiting list for each group.

All applicants who have been unsuccessful will have the right to appeal to an independent appeals panel (Education Act 1993.) If you wish to exercise your right to appeal for a place at Sale High School please visit Trafford School Appeals or contact the Democratic Services Section on Telephone No. 0161 912 2798 to request an Appeal Form.

Welcome to Sale High School

Find all information for new starters from the school day to catering in our handy new starter guide.

New Starter Guide


What Happens Next?

During the initial meeting you will discuss:

  • Reasons for your transfer
  • Attitude to learning
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Uniform requirements
  • Other relevant school information

Your parent/carer will be given a link to our online transition pack which must be completed prior to your start date. Where possible you will be informed of your start date during the meeting.

On your first day you should arrive at school for 8.30am and come to the main school reception. You will be given your timetable, school tie and shown around the main areas of the school. You will be taken to your form room where you will be introduced to your buddy. Your buddy will be able to answer all your questions and show you around school. They will also meet you at break time and lunchtime for as long as you need them to.

You will also meet with your Head of Year and Mr Cree. They will talk to you about:

  • Safeguarding in school
  • The Sharp System
  • Rewards and sanctions
  • Other relevent information

You will also be able to ask them anything you are unsure about.

During the first few days you will been given logon details for the following apps which we use in school;

  • Show My Homework
  • Parentpay
  • Student email

We will also, with your parent/carer permission, take your fingerprint which will enable us to create your online account. Your fingerprint is used to pay for food in the canteen, pay for photocopying/printing after school and can be used to take books out of the library.

If you have any other questions about what to expect, please contact Dr Riley.